Whispers of the Weaver: A 50-Card Oracle Deck & Guidebook

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Discover the Whispers of the Weaver Oracle Deck, a beautifully crafted 50-card deck for anyone seeking deeper self-discovery, transformation, connection with nature, and their own guidance system. Each card serves as a portal, offering messages from the earth, stars, and ancestral spirits, guiding you to embrace your inner healing wisdom and unique intuitive gifts.

This deck is ideal for those on a personal growth journey, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just beginning to explore the world of oracle cards. Use it for daily reflections, meditation, or as a tool for journaling and intention-setting. Each card invites you to tap into your intuition, supporting your growth and enhancing your relationships by fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and the interconnectedness of all life.

Rooted in the natural cycles of life, death, and rebirth, the Whispers of the Weaver Oracle Deck helps you align with the flow of the universe, reminding you that you are part of a greater whole—a sacred web of nature, spirit, and ancient knowledge. Let each card whisper its wisdom, guiding you through life’s cycles with grace and clarity.


  • Compact box
  • 50 full-color cards
  • 60-page guidebook

GTT Australia module / The Integration of Expanded States of Consciousness: A Holotropic Approach


Open to anyone interested. Previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork® is not necessary.

Each participant will have two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or “breather,” and two sessions as a partner, or “sitter,” as well as valuable time for group sharing. Besides the breathwork sessions and the topic covered (described below), there may be art, music, dancing, and film during the module.

“Integration” is a vital component of Holotropic Breathwork® practice, as well as any other work in expanded states of consciousness. We are often reminded that preparation, session and integration are all necessary components of any complete transformational experience. Exploration with holotropic states has an impact on the totality of our being and our lives on physical, mental, emotional, environmental and spiritual levels. Giving attention to integration offers the potential to enrich our life experience by allowing us to digest, embody, and apply to our daily lives the insights and lessons learned while doing in-depth exploratory work. We will create a safe, supportive, sacred, contemplative, and playful container, that will invite spaciousness for absorbing, being with, and processing what occurs before, during and after Holotropic sessions.

The retreat will be highly experiential and offers valuable tools to support the integration of your personal Holotropic practice. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for facilitators and any seekers, and offers exciting, creative ways to support groups and individuals through the integration process.

These modules are open events and suitable both for participants in the Holotropic Breathwork® training program, as well for those attending primarily for their personal journey of transformation, and anyone working with others.

GTT Online / Movie Yoga® Virtual Module & Practitioner Training (U.S. & Australia friendly times)


COST:  $428
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life.  Movie Yoga is about taking our feelings about any movie, no matter how we react to it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves.

Tav led Movie Yoga® one-day workshops and GTT Movie Yoga® six-day modules for years, and many folks have joined in for free online Movie Yoga® salons with GTT staff and friends starting in 2020, when we couldn’t meet easily in person.  These community events have been a joyful and heartfelt way to deeply connect, despite being online.

Because many people have said they would like to share Movie Yoga@ with their own groups, we’ve created this online training for those who wish to go deeper into the practice and become Movie Yoga® facilitators themselves. After this training you will be certified to work online or in person doing Movie Yoga® events with others.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit by attending a GTT-approved double breathwork workshop.  Up to two Virtual Module+Double Breathwork combinations may be counted toward the requirements for certification.

During our time together, we will have group interaction, teaching, movies and/or movie clips and other experiential sessions.  Holotropic Breathwork® sessions are not included, since HB cannot be done virtually.

This event consists of seven 3-hour sessions. To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all 7 sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.

US Pacific Dates and Times*:
Thursday 02/20:  one session  5:30-8:30 p.m.
Friday 02/21: two sessions 1-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Saturday 02/22: two sessions 1-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Sunday 02/23: two sessions 1-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m.

*Please use the above U.S. Pacific times and this time zone converter to find the correct times for your zone:


GTT Online / Ethics: Exploring the Ecology of Right Relationship (U.S. & Europe-friendly times)


COST:  $398 until June 12, 2025
$428 after June 12, 2025
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Discovering ethical Right Relationship with clients requires the same courageous approach to self-discovery that brought us to Holotropic Breathwork® and is a necessary exploration for those of us interested in facilitating this work, or those of us just wanting to learn to truly embody the ethics of what it means to be in right relationship with self and others. A Holotropic approach to ethics provides a no-blame model based on self-compassion and curiosity that supports a willingness to uncover and own our motivations, be in relational honesty with others about where we’ve been out of alignment, and make good choices on behalf of our clients and ourselves as we move forward in  deepening our understanding of ourselves and the multitude of all our parts.

This is an inquiry, a conversation, about what it means to embody our ethics, and an honest look at how we relate to our inner topography — how that impacts the outer, and the implications for how this influences the way we show up as space holders, both in expanded state work and otherwise.

Through story, contemplative practice, small group and community conversation, somatic inquiry and other experiential practices we’ll explore in this virtual space, with compassion, topics such as:

  • Longing and desire: the sacral wave
  • Boundaries and consent: locating ourselves
  • Attachment and belonging: weaving the relational fabric
  • Touch and the physical: historical implications & doing/not doing
  • Money, security and survival: the root chakra
  • The ethics of doing our own work: a lifestyle
  • Our relationship to: silence, the subtle and the wisdom within
  •  creative practice that helps us view and listen to the feelings and counsel of our many parts.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit by attending a GTT-approved double breathwork workshop.  Up to two Virtual Module+Double Breathwork combinations may be counted toward the requirements for certification.

This event consists of seven 3-hour sessions. To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all 7 sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.

US Pacific Dates and Times*:
Thursday 8/7:  one session  1:30-4:30 p.m.
Friday 8/8: two sessions, 9 a.m-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Saturday 8/9: two sessions, 9 a.m-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Sunday 8/10: two sessions, 9 a.m-noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m.

*Please use the above U.S. Pacific times and this time zone converter to find the correct times for your zone:


GTT Online / Write from the Heart: Opening the Gates for Transformation (U.S. & Australia friendly times)


COST:  $398 until May 14, 2025
$428 after May 14, 2025
Discount for certified HB practitioners

Writing is transformative. Writing can help us move through challenges, stuck places, and baggage we’ve carried for too long. On the page, we can face our fears, name our truths, discover new parts of ourselves, and make empowering choices in our lives.

Laura Davis,  author of The Courage to Heal

Let’s write together and discover writing as a tool for transformation.

This virtual module allows us to engage in writing and other practices to assist in remembering self in our quest to move towards wholeness. It is for anyone who wants another avenue of self-discovery, whether you have always been comfortable writing or whether this has been a challenge for you in the past.

Through the emergence of our stories, we can learn to listen to what is most meaningful to us as individuals existing within a greater whole.

Storytelling has long been a sacred tradition of First Peoples from all lands. It is vital to the health and wellbeing of our collective to develop the co-creative process of bringing the universe into being by revealing our transpersonal dimensions of self and engaging in radical self-empowerment.

Join us in an adventure of self-remembering through the ancient and powerful practice of writing as a transformational tool to deepen our connection of self with world.

Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit by attending a GTT-approved double breathwork workshop.  Up to two Virtual Module+Double Breathwork combinations may be counted toward the requirements for certification.

This event consists of seven 3-hour sessions. To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all 7 sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.

US Pacific Dates and Times*:
Thursday 07/10:  one session  5:30-8:30 p.m.
Friday 07/11: two sessions 1-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Saturday 07/12: two sessions 1-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Sunday 07/13: two sessions 1-4 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m.

*Please use the above U.S. Pacific times and this time zone converter to find the correct times for your zone:


Peer Consultation Groups & Ethical Awareness Tools for Psychedelic Practitioners

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Kylea Taylor, LMFT, describes practical InnerEthics® Ethical Awareness Tools to help practitioners identify their motivations and conflicts of interest and recognize precarious ethical situations. She explains the unique structure of an InnerEthics peer consultation group designed to help therapists and practitioners assist each other compassionately with the challenges and vulnerabilities that arise in working with clients in multi-dimensional states of consciousness– psychedelic-assisted therapy, breathwork, hypnosis, deep grief, trauma recovery. Professionals working with clients in profound states of consciousness can rely on this book to help them avoid ethical missteps, increase client benefits, and find personal and professional support.

An Institute for Holotropics, Inc. Module in Ireland – Deepening into Samhain with Cáit Branigan

This module is closed to new registrations.

During this module, you will experience four Holotropic Breathwork®, two as a “breather” and two as a partner, or “sitter.”

The season of Samhain, and the festival which marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year, is one of four important festivals in Irish tradition: Imbolc (Spring); Bealtaine (Summer); Lughnasadh (Autumn) and Samhain (Winter).

The word Samhain means ‘Summer’s end’ and is seen as important in all Celtic calendars. Samhain is the beginning of the dark season and is greatly associated with the dead (ancestors) and the Otherworld. The Irish, in common with many indigenous cultures, placed great importance on their dead ancestors and this was reflected in their customs and beliefs.
At Samhain, focus was placed on the telling of our ancient myths and legends; storytelling and the telling of anecdotes; fireside craft; study and learning. Samhain Eve was a time of setting out on voyages to the Otherworld and the blurring of customs through mask-wearing and cross-dressing. In ancient times, the fires were put out in the home and relit from the sacred fire on the Hill of Tlachtga.
In this workshop, we will prepare for the coming of Winter, exploring our ancestral stories and the evolution of familial and cultural traditions. Through shamanic journeys, creativity, sound and movement, we will explore the fears we carry societally and individually, represented by the masks we wear at Halloween.

Certification Closing Intensive in Australia

This event is for those who have completed the necessary requirements. Please contact us about your individual situation if you are close to fulfilling all of your requirements and have any questions.

To attend certification, you also must:
1) Apply and be accepted to the GTT program. Link to Training Application
2) Apply and be accepted to attend the Certification Intensive. Link to Application for Certification Intensive
3) Register for the Certification Intensive  – once you have applied to attend certification (step 2), you will receive a link to register.   If you have questions about registration, rooming, or cost, please email Janet@holotropic.com

About becoming certified in Holotropic Breathwork®

Certification Closing Intensive in the U.S.

This event is for those who have completed the necessary requirements. Please contact us about your individual situation if you are close to fulfilling all of your requirements and have any questions.

To attend certification, you also must:
1) Apply and be accepted to the GTT program. Link to Training Application
2) Apply and be accepted to attend the Certification Intensive. Link to Application for Certification Intensive
3) Register for the Certification Intensive  – once you have applied to attend certification (step 2), you will receive a link to register.   If you have questions about registration, rooming, or cost, please email Janet@holotropic.com

About becoming certified in Holotropic Breathwork®