With the eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath and the music in the room to enter an expanded state of awareness.

upcoming events

February 20-23, 2025 US / Feb 21-24 Australia

GTT Online / Movie Yoga® Virtual Module & Practitioner Training (U.S. & Australia friendly times)

GTT training for Movie Yoga® practitioner certification with VICKY NICHOLSON and Cindy Pickreign

Online via Zoom


Janet Kingsley, GTT Office Manager:  gtt@holotropic.com
Phone 415 383-8779

more information
March 17-22, 2025

GTT Australia Module / Music and Transcendence

A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with VICKY NICHOLSON and GTT staff

Poatina Village, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA


GTT Australia, Vicky Nicholson
phone 61 0400 848970

more information
March 24-29, 2025

GTT Australia module / The Art of The Healing Voice with Cáit Branigan

A GTT Holotropic Breathwork® module with CAIT BRANIGAN, Vicky Nicholson and GTT staff

Poatina Village, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA


GTT Australia, Vicky Nicholson
phone 61 0400 848970

more information


(I most appreciated). Cait’s delightful presence, wealth of experience, sustained focus, quiet authority and clarity of delivery - the sense of being in the safest of hands, with ancient mysteries de-mystified and made accessible and relevant for us in the 21st century.
Laurie, UK
I just wanted to say Thank You again for the opportunity to attend the workshop. It was a profound experience and a tremendous blessing! I hope to do more of this work in the near future as divinely timed as that weekend was!
Dan, Big Sur, CA

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