In this module, Holotropic theory comes alive. It’s where we experience the essence of the practice firsthand. We will discuss the principles that support and inform the practice of Holotropic Breathwork®. Sitara will explain the fundamentals of HB and why it is such a special method for personal exploration and self-healing. We will also practice the technique of focused energy release work.
Topics include:
I. The power of the Inner Healing System
II. Facilitator Presence and Skills
III. Focused Energy Release Work – Principles and Ethics
IV. Focused Energy Release Demonstration and Practice
V. Moving Toward Closure and Integration
VI. Special Challenging Situations when facilitating
This Module is one of the required modules for certifying as Holotropic Breathwork® Practitioner.
Please be aware that the module will take place in person in Austria but it might be that Sitara Blasco will teach online.