Join us for an in-depth exploration of the fascinating human journey, from conception to death and rebirth.
In embarking on this adventure, we may begin to “DANCE” with the music of time, rather than moving through life, resisting the flow toward death.
Such a shift gives us the opportunity to fulfill our deepest life purposes, and let go consciously of what keeps us from embracing this crucial process of transformation.
By viewing life and death through the lens of Holotropic Paradigm, we are able to explore, in depth, the triple dynamic and experience of death-birth-rebirth.
We will draw upon some of the world’s leading paradigms of the death/rebirth process, including:
– The work of Stephen Levine and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
– The shamanic practice of working with mortality
– The contributions of Ralph Metzner and Timothy Leary, including their references to
the Tibetan Book of the Dead
We will also explore the fascinating and powerful impact of near-death experiences on our everyday experience of living. This unique journey in facing our mortality offers us a profound opportunity to enrich our own unique life journey.
The process will be deeply experiential. In addition to Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, the week’s inner adventures will involve creative exercises, including art, as well as participation in other modalities of psychospiritual journeying.