In 2020 GTT began offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.
This “Virtual Module” is open to anyone interested. There will be group interaction, teaching, and experiential sessions. Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.
To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live at a retreat center.
Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.
VIDEO LINK – Geoff Fitzpatrick gives a short overview of the upcoming Sacred Geometry and Holotropic Virtual workshop
- A Pattern of harmony and order
- Embedded in the creative principle
- Manifested at every level, from DNA to the shape of the galaxy
- Encoding Patterns of order in Space and Time
- An Amplifier of Coincidence
- Linked with your Breath
- A Powerful tool for expanding your state of Consciousness
- Embark upon the Threefold Mandala Process, Creation, Dissolution & Letting Go!
- Experience an active guided visualisation combining pattern, focus and breath, built upon sacred geometric archetypes and accompanied by music
- discover a ‘Grand Pattern’ underlying all of existence, from the shape of our DNA to the movements of the planets and the form of the galaxy
- Experience how sacred geometry can be harnessed to open a pathway between your everyday awareness and the deeper, hidden aspects of your being
“Regarding Sacred Geometry: You don’t have to understand the ‘geometry’ to experience the ‘sacred’ ” — Geoff Fitzpatrick
Cost: $398 through Oct 31, 2020; $428 after that date
From past participants:
– Geoff is beautiful person, I like his approach and humor, his teaching is very fluent but also his answering to participants questions and comments, there is a lot of empowerment in his style. He reminds me of Tav (and I love him) :). – Martina, Croatia
– amazing energy fields displayed – great insights, exceeded my expectations by far – very good caring and guiding. – Philip, Berlin
– This was one of my favorite modules. – Cielle, Iowa
– The mandala work was fascinating and very profound. – Jane, Ottawa
An article by Geoff on the benefits and beauty of mandala work can be found here: Exploring inside on the outside – my journey with Mandalas.
Geoff Fitzpatrick
Geoff Fitzpatrick B.A. has studied psychology in Trinity College Dublin, and is a Graduate of the Milltown Institute of Theology where he studied spiritual enrichment. He has an active interest in modern consciousness research. He has been constructing mandalas for 10 years and is driven to promote the transformative potential of these sacred circles.
“I have two great passions, one is the exploration of consciousness the other is the construction of mandalas. In effect these are two sides of the same coin. The first time I saw a mandala was about 25 years ago. A group of Tibetan Monks came to Trinity College Dublin. They spent a week creating a magnificent Kalachakra sand mandala. I was mesmerised by the experience, the colours, the shapes and the sound of the chak purs are as vivid in my memory today as they were all that time ago. It was eight years later in that very same university whilst studying psychology I came across mandalas for a second time. I studied the work of Carl Jung and Stanislav Grof both of whom saw the mandala as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool. The depths of the psyche that I touch when constructing mandalas are similar in tonality to those from breathwork. I have borrowed heavily from the map of consciousness drafted by Stan Grof to navigate my way through the experiences activated whilst constructing mandalas.
But the greatest teachers for me have been the shapes themselves – The geometric symbols that date back into our prehistory and their origins dwell in the very fabric of what creates the universe itself. Nothing has exposed me to more mystery or opened me to greater depths of inner experience than working with these symbols. The sum total of my seeking, the knowledge gleaned from the courses, workshops of all kinds, powerful peak experiences and exposure to enlightened teachers can be distilled down to one very simple thing…….I believe there is a greater wisdom available to us at all times. The thing is, this higher wisdom is easier to experience than it is to explain.”
Cost: $398 through Oct 31, 2020; $428 after that date
The following schedule is in European Western Time Zone:
Thursday evening – opening, 5:30-8:30 pm
Between Thursday and Friday sessions – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Friday afternoon – 1 to 4 pm
Friday evening – 5:30-8:30 pm
Between Friday and Saturday sessions – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Saturday afternoon – 1 to 4 pm
Saturday evening – 5:30-8:30 pm
Between Saturday and Sunday sessions – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Sunday afternoon – 1 to 4 pm
Sunday – afternoon – 5:30-8:30 pm, closing