Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life. Movie Yoga is about taking our reactions to any movie, no matter how we feel about it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves, not only for insight but hopefully for transformation.
This will be the fifth Movie Yoga Salon and it’s been so much fun to gather with the extended Holotropic Breathwork® community in this way.
We will be watching the film:
1) There is no charge, but you do need to register. When your registration is sent, you will get basic a chart showing the APS – Awareness Positioning System as explained by Diana in this short video, and by Vicky in this longer video. And here is a written summary as well.
2) Watch the video, in which Diana Medina tells us how to practice Movie Yoga®. For those who wish to go in-depth on the practice with lots of detail, stories, insight into many films, and overall movie fandom from Tav, the book Movie Yoga is available from, from publishers Hanford Mead, or on Amazon.
3) Before the appointed date and time, we all watch the same movie, whenever we want to in our own homes. Going to repeat that – watch the movie ahead of time! The movie selected for the Movie Yoga Salon #5 is STRANGER THAN FICTION, a 2006 fantasy comedy-drama directed by Marc Forster. This film is available through Amazon Prime and Netflix for a small rental fee. We have been told it is available in multiple countries, although the links may be different.
4) As you are watching the movie, follow the guidelines Diana has outlined for practicing Movie Yoga®. Try to have a pen and paper nearby to take notes, for yourself but also in case you wish to share during the get-together. Remember, this is not primarily about enjoying the movie, although that would be great too. Negative reactions of any sort are great for doing Movie Yoga®!
4) On Friday, MAY 7 at 2 pm Pacific Time (or, if you are in Australia, Saturday, MAY 8, at 7 am Eastern Australia time), join the Zoom meeting via the link sent in your confirmation email. We’ll take it from there. Depending on how many people participate, we will talk a little bit about the practice of Movie Yoga®, and then all can share with each other in small groups and as a larger one, about the experience and our reactions.
5) That’s it! If you can’t make this one, watch for the next announcement. We hope to continue having Movie Yoga® gatherings together for awhile.