Movie Yoga® is a way to use movies for personal transformation, as described in the book by Tav Sparks, Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life. Movie Yoga is about taking our reactions to any movie, no matter how we feel about it – even (maybe especially) a movie or genre we don’t like or feel resistance to – and applying a Holotropic perspective to discover something about ourselves, not only for insight but hopefully for transformation.
Tav has been leading Movie Yoga® one-day workshops and GTT Movie Yoga® six-day modules for years. Over the recent weeks of quarantine, many folks have joined in for online Movie Yoga® salons with Diana Medina, Cary Sparks, and Tav. These free community events have been a joyful and heartfelt way to deeply connect, despite being online.
Because of the interest many people have expressed in sharing Movie Yoga@ with their own groups, we’ve created this online training for those who wish to go deeper into the practice and become Movie Yoga® facilitators themselves. After this training you can work online or in person doing Movie Yoga® events with others.
The virtual training will take place over two days, after which you will be a certified Movie Yoga® facilitator. Two group follow-up sessions of 1 1/2 hours each will be scheduled for further feedback and mentoring.
Schedule (all times Pacific Daylight Time)
1) July 10, approx. 9-12 am and 3-4:30 pm. In between these two sessions we will all watch the same movie on our own.
2) July 11, approx. 9-12 am and 3-4:30 pm. In between these two sessions we will all watch the same movie on our own.
3) and 4) Two group follow-up sessions of 1 1/2 hours each, to be scheduled,
Cost: $200 (US). Payment plans and scholarships are available.