This module is an exciting and transformative journey through the world of music. Sound and rhythm have always been vital creative and spiritual tools for transformation. Music has even been called the language of the soul. This is a special opportunity to learn first-hand the music structure that defines Holotropic Breathwork in such a special way. In addition, we’ll also explore other exciting strategies that help make the Holotropic perspective an essential tool for everyday living. This module includes: 1) Holotropic music: it’s history, theory and practice, detailed discussion of the three part structure of a Holotropic Breathwork music set; with demonstrations of specific pieces for each section; 2) Holotropic group work: it’s history, theory and practice, discussion of common group experiences and challenging situations; 3) COEX systems: how we work with multi-level patterns; 4) demonstration of relaxation; 5) facilitator self -care; 6) Practical workshop information – venue, pricing, promotion, brochure, types of workshops.
Music and Transcendence

May 15 - 20, 2018
Holotropic Breathwork module with STACIA BUTTERFIELD, plus TAV SPARKS & GTT staff
Guest House Retreat Center, Connecticut River Valley