Since it is still not permitted in Joshua Tree, nor do we feel it is safe in the U.S., to gather in person for Holotropic Breathwork® this module will now be held as a GTT Virtual Module.
In 2020, GTT is offering real-time virtual events that are as close to a GTT module experience as we can make them in an online format.
This Virtual Module is open to anyone interested. There will be community, teaching, and experiential sessions. Everything except actual Holotropic Breathwork® sessions, since HB cannot be done virtually.
To enhance the group experience for everyone, please note that you will be expected to attend all sessions of the module just as you would if it were being held live, at a retreat center.
Although you may attend this Virtual Module as a stand-alone event, there is also an option for those who wish to get full module credit. In that case, you will be able to make up the Holotropic Breathwork® component in HB-only workshops that we will offer as soon as it is safe to do so. Up to two of these combined Virtual Modules + HB component can be counted toward the seven modules required for certification.
This Virtual Module offers exciting new dimensions in working on oneself and with others. Discovering ethical “right relationship” with people in our lives – including with clients if we work professionally with others – invites the same courageous approach to self-discovery that brought us to Holotropic Breathwork®. We will learn how to find right relationship with our own inner parts, as well as with the other people in our lives. InnerEthics™ provides a no-blame model based on self-compassion and curiosity that supports a willingness to uncover and own our motivations, share with our peers what we have learned from ethical missteps, and make good choices on behalf of our clients and ourselves.
We’ll not only learn the InnerEthics™ model developed by Kylea Taylor, author of The Ethics of Caring and multiple books on Holotropic Breathwork®, we will also get to experience the dynamic expressive arts, self-discovery method of SoulCollage®, a creative practice that helps us view and listen to the feelings and counsel of our many parts. SoulCollage® is wonderfully compatible with the principles and practice of Holotropic Breathwork® and is a valuable addition to your tools for personal transformation and integration.
Below you will find a list of materials you will need to have purchased ahead of time, available on Amazon or on your own.*
Cost: $398 through Oct 5, 2020; $428 after that date
While open to anyone interested, this topic can be used as one of the three Optional Modules for anyone wishing to become a certified Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator. It must be paired with a GTT Holotropic Breathwork event to be held later (see italic section above).
Module schedule (all Pacific Time Zone):
Thursday afternoon – opening, 12:30-3:30 pm
Between Thursday and Friday sessions there will be an related activity to do on your own
Friday morning – 8-11:00 am
Friday afternoon – 12:30-3:30 pm
Thursday afternoon – opening, 12:30-3:30 pm
Between Friday and Saturday sessions – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Saturday morning – 8-11:00 am
Saturday afternoon – 12:30-3:30 pm
Thursday afternoon – opening, 12:30-3:30 pm
Between Saturday and Sunday sessions – there will be an related activity to do on your own
Sunday morning – 8-11:00 am
Sunday – afternoon – 12:30-3:30 pm, closing
*Materials required for InnerEthics™ & SoulCollage® Virtual Module:
In order to participate in this module, you will need to have supplies to create SoulCollage® cards. Here is the list of what you should have on hand, ready to use:
- Magazines for images. Have at least 5 or 6 magazines that contain a selection of images. National Geographics are great, but there are many other magazines you can use. Avoid magazines that are mostly text. Other sources of images: art books, personal photographs (if you copy them or don’t mind cutting them up), calendars, and greeting cards.
- Scissors. While any scissors will do, ideally you would have a pair of small, precision detail scissors for cutting small areas around images.These can be found at craft stores such as Michaels, or on Amazon. Additionally, having a pair of larger, everyday scissors can be useful. Hanford Mead offers one of this type as well.
- Cards, plastic sleeves, a frame, and glue are available in a single pack (or for alternatives, scroll down)
SoulCollage Card-Making Supply Pack, $16.95 available at this Amazon link.
If you order the Supply Pack, consider buying an additional pack of cards as some people are fast card makers and may have time to make more than 12 cards. Optional.
SoulCollage® Card Pack (extra cards), $7.95 available at this Amazon link.
If you don’t, or can’t, buy the packs above, here are alternatives:
- The cards in the packs above are made of 5×8 matboard. Alternatively, you can purchase a package of 5×8 heavyweight, unlined, white index cards (or if your are outside the USA, the equivalent size and weight available to you).
- Glue sticks. One is included in the Card-Making Pack. If you get an extra one or buy separately, it is highly recommended to get acid-free, archival quality.
- Plastic sleeves. Optional, to protect your cards. The 24 plastic sleeves included with the Card-Making Pack are enough for the additional 12 cards in the extra Card Pack.
Note: The Card-Making Pack and the extra Card Pack and scissors can also be purchased from Hanford Mead Publishers but in these COVID times with both USA mail and overseas mail slow-downs, Hanford Mead cannot guarantee speedy delivery. If you order for delivery in the USA by Oct 8, it should be possible to receive your order in time.
If you have a chance, watch the 6 minute youtube video “Introduction to SoulCollage®” and start tearing out from magazines the images that “call” to you, keeping them in a pile for the module.