Understanding spiritual emergency is one of the major contributions of the Holotropic perspective. Whether you are a professional or a layperson, someone interested in working with or supporting people in transformational crises, or primarily in your own growth, the module offers a rich experience and valuable information.
We will be presenting the classical differentiation between psychosis and spiritual emergency. And also explore together the many questions that the subject raises and the intensely practical aspects of who, in these kinds of crises, can benefit from Holotropic Breathwork® and how best to support a person in these emergencies.
This workshop includes a discussion of the concept of spiritual emergency, examples, manifestations, psychological perspectives, strategies and support to family and friends.
Furthermore, we will experience the healing powers of expanded states of consciousness in 4 Holotropic Breathwork sessions (2 as a breather and 2 as a sitter).
To participate, you don’t need any previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork. If you feel drawn, you are welcome!
For those interested in becoming a GTT certified facilitator please note that “Spiritual Emergency” is one of the four mandatory modules for the training.