A new generation of psychedelic researchers and therapists, many informed by the pioneering research of Stanislav Grof, MD, are again examining the enhanced wellness, healing, creativity, and spirituality inherent in the psychedelic experience. During this retreat we will explore topics including the time-honored, cross-cultural use of psychoactive substances; the early pioneers of psychedelic therapy; the healing potential, as well of perils, in working with strong psychoactive catalysts; harm reduction; guidance for supporting others in a substance-related crisis; and government supported research projects worldwide. The topic of psychedelics will be entirely theoretical. However, this will be an excellent opportunity to experience non-ordinary states of consciousness through the vehicle of Holotropic Breathwork.
Information and registration formsThe Psychedelic Experience: Promises & Pitfalls

February 6 - 11, 2018
Holotropic Breathwork with DIANE HAUG & GTT staff
Joshua Tree, California, USA
GTT office – ph 415-383-8779/fax 415-382-1073
Email: gtt@holotropic.com